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Getting into the real estate game can be a risky thing to do, but it can also be a very smart, lucrative move to make. Those who are considering investing have several things they should consider before deciding whether the time is right for them to strike. Making smart and well-calculated risks is the key to doing well in the real estate game. Before they buy, people should consider the following:

Current Real Estate Trends
Before investing in a personal home or rental property, buyers need to make sure they’ve been keeping an eye on the real estate trends in the area they are shopping in. If home prices have been going down, it could be a good time to buy in. There will be more leeway in negotiating, and it could be a good opportunity to make money back when the market starts to rise again. Conversely, if housing prices are very high or are climbing rapidly, that could mean a bubble burst is going to happen soon. In this situation, it is often best to be patient and sit on the decision to invest for awhile.

Personal Income and Wealth
The more a potential homeowner puts in as a down payment on their new property, the less money they will have to borrow and the lower their monthly mortgage payments will be. For this reason, it’s important for people to consider their current financial affairs and figure out if they have the means to buy the real estate in a way that is comfortable for their financial situation.

Credit Score
Many people who are interested in investing in real estate take the time to build up their credit scores if they are on the lower end. Credit score is the biggest determining factor for the interest rate of a loan, so having a good credit score can save buyers tens of thousands of dollars through the years they spend paying the loan back.

Assess the Property
When it seems like a good deal is at hand, many people jump too quickly into purchasing a property. Take the time to hire professionals to make sure there isn’t any mold, water damage, structural damage, etc. This saves money in the long run.